B.A., 1968, Brandeis; M.L.A., 1972, Harvard; Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architects (1974)
Kenneth I. Helphand is Knight Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Oregon where he has taught courses in landscape history, theory and design since 1974. He is a graduate of Brandeis University (1968) and Harvard's Graduate School of Design (MLA 1972). He is the recipient of distinguished teaching awards from the University of Oregon (1993) and the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (1997). Helphand has guest lectured at dozens of universities and is a frequent visiting professor at the Technion - the Israel Institute of Technology. He is the author of numerous of articles and reviews on topics in landscape history and theory with a particular interest in the contemporary American landscape. He is the author of the award winning books: Colorado: Visions of an American Landscape. (1991), Yard Street Park: The Design of Suburban Open Space (with Cynthia Girling1994), Dreaming Gardens: Landscape Architecture & the Making of Modern Israel. (2002), and Defiant Gardens: Making Gardens in Wartime (2006). Helphand served as editor of Landscape Journal (1994 –2002), is a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects and CELA, Honorary Member of the Israel Association of Landscape Architects, a recipient of the Bradford Williams Medal, a Graham Foundation Grant, and Chair of the Senior Fellows at Dumbarton Oaks.